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Autoplay Video Email is now a reality - add any video to your email campaigns with ease.

Content, Other

Developed by: Playable

Support Email:

About Playable

Reach your email audience in the body of any email, on any device, on any connection, at the moment of open, with HD quality autoplay Video Email.

Videos of upto 30 seconds duration can be added to your email campaigns be they newsletters, abandon cart or retention based.

Playable and Listrak

Engage your recipients the moment they open your emails with Autoplay Video that plays within the email. 

 Create your video clip within Playable by uploading any video source file be it from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram or a file of your computer. Once you are happy with your edited clip simply copy the Playable HTML snippet and paste it into a Text Block within your LISTRAK template. You have now embedded your video clip into your email ready for sending.

Use cases

  • Fully leverage your investment in Video content

    Video content creation can be expensive, Playable creates the opportunity to further leverage that investment by bringing it to the forefront of the customer journey, and including autoplay video within your email campaigns.

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